Prayer and Worship

Our prayer meeting models are based on the heavenly picture that we see in Revelation 5:8, which speaks of the harp and bowl. The harp represents worship through song and the bowl is filled with incense, which represents the prayers of the saints.

We hope you will join us for one of our weekly prayer meetings!


First Fridays

Every first Friday of the month we host a gathering that includes worship, prayer, and preaching and teaching. These times serve as a monthly opportunity for us to gather together to connect with God and one another, as well as hear Biblically based preaching and teaching on topics like intimacy with God, the return of Jesus, the worth of Jesus, intercession, and other topics that help encourage corporate and personal prayer and worship! 

Types of Prayer Sets

Our intercession prayer sets focus on corporate worship through song and interceding with scripture(s) for specific topics including the Church, our city, missions, revival, the salvation of Israel, and justice issues. 

Worship with the Word

Worship with the Word is a prayer set that focuses on corporate & personal meditation on a specific scripture. The prayer and worship team will lead participants in meditating on the scriptures as they are led by The Holy Spirit. 


Devotional prayer sets focus on creating a context for people to sit at Jesus’ feet, hear His Word, dwell in His presence, and encounter His heart.